How to Forgive Yourself During Yoga (and in Life)

Feel like you’re overthinking and struggling with your daily tasks? Try this simple mindset shift to bring A Little Awareness to the negative thoughts that are slowing your flow and freedom. 

Yesterday, I was finishing a kickass yoga session when the instructor asked us to do Virasana, a pose I can normally hold without blocks because I’m super flexible. (Thanks mom for the good genes!) On that day, though, the pose wasn’t quite right and I knew I needed a block, but I refused to reach for it – my knees be damned. 

Then at one point, probably as my butt was going numb, it hit me. 

Why the heck was I not going for the block? 

“Is this how you live life? Refusing to get help? Refusing to give into ease? You like things being difficult and painful?”

Answer: No. That only leads to burnout. 

Forgive yourself to reach your goals quicker. 

Focusing on negative thoughts doesn’t help you reach your goals.

One of the key goals of yoga, simply put, is to achieve freedom. Asana, the physical practice itself and the poses are a vehicle to that. Mastery of the pose is secondary to mastery of the self. Period. 

But old habits die hard, right? Negative thoughts (and the overthinking that comes with them) are definitely stressors in our daily lives and they interrupt our flow, but using the help available to you means less exhaustion and an easier road to freedom.

Guys, I reached for that block super freaking fast because I’m committed to living in ease.

Forgive Yourself: Shift Your Mindset from Negative Thoughts to Flow 

First came the rumination. A moment barely passed before I pondered on my fierce commitment to flow, but I also gave myself a mental flogging for not reaching for the block before I needed it and being unaware. Those negative thoughts made it much harder for me to slip into flow, and didn’t help me at all. 

A second “Aha!” moment slapped my brain right after. The funny thing about such a commitment is that it sometimes becomes a chore, and the moment it shifts that way, you lose the delicious promise of freedom you wanted in the beginning. 

You know how it is – you’re committed to living in the flow, in ease, and you start taking actions towards it. Next thing you know, you’re freaking out, ditching your friends at the bar so you can run home to get your meditation session in before midnight. Catch 22, anyone? “Not so fast”, I always say. 

The third stage of this block incident was compassion. At first, I wanted to make things harder for me during this yoga practice, but then I eased into the flow while also feeling guilty for not doing it sooner. Finally, I forgave myself. 

I. Am. Just. Human. 

And so are you.

A Final Thought on How to Forgive Yourself in Yoga and in Life

Next time you forget to reach for the block, in any area of your life, bring a little awareness back and recommit yourself to flow. Remember to forgive yourself sooner and avoid the shattering negative thoughts that I know you feel, too, sometimes in between. 

Freedom will follow. 

Pushing yourself to do more when you know you shouldn’t and beating yourself up for not being compassionate with yourself can really trip you up. This cycle is a recipe for exhaustion and overwhelm. You’ve probably ruminated and guilt-tripped yourself in the past, which actually makes finding ease that much harder, but perhaps it’s time for a change. If you find yourself in a similar hamster wheel I invite you to join me in Ease the Burnout, my free 5-day game where you learn how to take care of yourself in just 3 minutes a day! 

I’m all for long, luxuriating forms of self-care like bubble baths, but sometimes you simply don’t have the time or the energy to go there. You need tools, pronto, which is what you’ll get when you sign up – delivered right to your inbox!



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