Let’s ease into beingness over constant doingness, a little awareness at a time
NYC-Based Certified Master Life Coach
To Help You Find Flow In Your Messy, Magical World

If I asked you to describe who you are, I’d say chances are about 100% that you’d say “a parent,” “an attorney” or “a spouse” instead of “a divinely miraculous being,” right? (I knowww, if you’re rolling your eyes, stay with me.)
But it’s a modern invention (aka a completely made-up idea) that your identity comes from what you do. And that idea (thanks, Industrial Revolution!) makes us the productivity machines, running on fumes while our worthiness gets measured by a job title, how busy we are, and everything we give give give to everyone else.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being ambitious and generous. There is, though, a problem with how freaking exhausting it can be to maintain the hustle.
If someday, somehow, the career that’s defined you takes a dive, or shifts in relationships leave you newly un-anchored, what then? Even exciting changes that you longed for, like a new job or parenthood, come with their own chaos. And here you are, blinking while your new reality spins around you.
It’s scary as hell to look around, wondering who you are underneath it all. But… what if it could also be liberating? What would you dream up for yourself if you weren’t beholden to all that doing and bowing down to the cult of busy?
This thing you’re feeling right now—call it burnout, overwhelm, stuckness—makes complete sense in the world we’re living in.
There is zero shame or guilt in hustling when you live in a world that requires you to. There is zero shame or guilt in dealing with burnout in a world that is set up to cause burnout.
You were born into a world that is messy, chaotic, and unjust. And yet you are perfect, deserving of rest, deserving of ease, deserving of an MF break. So let’s play and practice what it may look like to find a little respite amidst this big, chaotic universe we’re swimming in.
Curious, compassionate coaching to help you ease into rest, play, and being
1:1 coaching for a little awareness and a whole lot of YOU
First things first: if you’re feeling even a hint of that oh-so-familiar drive for self-improvement, pump the brakes.
We are not here to accelerate transformation, to relentlessly pursue changing ourselves for the better.
We are here to know ourselves. To honor ourselves. And then to partner with, not against, ourselves to follow the divine whispers of who we are.
Coaching is a place where you can quit the hustle to perform, ditch the struggle to succeed, and play your way into a little (and then a lot) of awareness.
- What is your heart calling out for?
- What is your body begging you to listen to?
- What does your spirit know (despite all the ways you’ve tried to get it to sit down and shut up because now is a freaking inconvenient time?!)?
With some quiet, curiosity, and lots of play to shake things up, you can dance your way into the answers and find some real, juicy freedom to revel in.
Because when we work together, it’s not just about healing your burnout, regulating your nervous system, or quieting the overwhelm. (Although all of those are indeed dreamy.)
Orienting back to SELF is the point. Connecting to SELF is the point. Tethering to and trusting your SELF is the point, always. And it is such a beautiful journey to discover how that’s possible.
I highly recommend Suset to anyone who would like to hush the little insecurities inside your head and experience the quiet peacefulness that has been awaiting you patiently.
I have experienced profound improvement in so many areas of my life because of Suset’s wonderful knowledge and gifts. Taking a few breathing techniques with me into the real world has helped me decrease anxiety and increase attention, awareness and focus. I am more able to slow down and breathe if things in my life are getting very intense. For sure it has enabled me to be more responsive and less reactive. There’s no one I’ve ever met that can match Suset’s positive energy and it’s wonderful that we can have access to a tool like A Little Awareness to help us all out throughout the year.
I’m Dr. Suset Laboy Pérez, an ex-overachiever-turned-life coach on a mission to help you do less and just be a whole lot more.
Once upon a time, there was no hoop I couldn’t (or wouldn’t) jump through.
With an Ivy League education under my belt, corporate success, and a PhD to my name, I checked every damn box that society invented for me (Puerto Rican, female, Latinx) to achieve. I was proud of those accolades, but the strain of constantly doing and proving myself left me more drained than an iPhone battery after hours of numbed-out scrolling.
I might have just kept pushing through, if life hadn’t thrown me a gigantic curveball. Two months before my wedding, I was diagnosed with a tumor, right as Hurricane Maria was destroying the island where I grew up. That was the not-so-lucky-feeling nudge (or maybe slap) from the universe to make a change or risk losing myself entirely to exhaustion and anxiety.
That’s when A Little Awareness was born, to help fellow do-ers and strivers reconnect with themselves and realign (except, you know, without the health scare). I’m here to help you tether back to yourself and your heart that knows the truth—that you are exquisite and deserve nothing but exquisiteness just for existing.
Go ahead, ditch the self-help books you didn’t finish (and all the guilt about it)
The blog is here for bite-sized inspiration.
Looking for tips on getting into alignment, quitting overwhelm, and building resilience? It’s all here.
(Also featured: thoughts on the universal joy juice that is intuition, dancing with drag queens, and the art of baking pie.)