I’m an anti-hustle life coach for the do-ers who just can’t sit still.
Sound familiar? (That was my life, too.)
A Little Awareness is grounded in just that—a little awareness.
Too often, when we want to change our lives we default to the super ambitious way we’ve always been shown: set big goals, bite off a big chunk and go chase a big transformation. But chasing a big transformation (or even a big to-do list) can often lead to, well… big overwhelm. Struggle. Feeling stuck at the bottom of a mountain while watching the path get steeper and steeper.
But tuning into a little awareness gives your spirit a break and gives your beloved brain a boost.

What if you invited that little awareness in, right beside all that ambition?

What if you took tiny steps that match that awareness, over and over, messily and imperfectly, and watched how your life shifts?

What if that’s actually how you become more whole and complete in your own skin, where beingness instead of doingness is the point?
Those are the questions I help you dance into (and yes, sometimes thrash around in) as your coach.
I’m here to help you tether to yourself, trust yourself enough to set the boundaries you need, go for your passions and joy, deal with your big ass feelings, and most importantly fuck all the shoulds that culture tells us we must follow that make us miserable.
Here, your identity is not in what you do but who you deeply are. And here, there’s room for it all.
After all, I’m a Ph.D. who keeps crystals on her desk. I can talk positive neuroplasticity all day and still draw divine inspiration from a tarot deck. I make room for magic and science, joy and grief, rest and momentum.
When we work together, we’ll take play seriously (pun intended!) and create space for real rest without a productivity agenda. We’ll get curious about what life looks like on the other side of all that doing, doing, doing and proving your worth. And you’ll reconnect with your own intuitive ease, not because shit never hits the fan again—but because you’ll have learned how to shake your damn tuchus in the face of it.
And now, a confession: none of this came naturally to me, either.
As a Puerto Rican, Latinx Ivy Leaguer, I always prided myself in being able to do it all, all the time.
I held 3-4 jobs while going to college. I worked 70 hours-a-week corporate jobs and still found time to get certified as a yoga instructor. I built a business while writing a 250-page Ph.D. dissertation.
I was so good at doing, doing, doing—and then Barney showed up.
What do you get when you mix a hurricane, a tumor, and a wedding together?
A little (well, actually a hell of a lot) awareness that something’s gotta give.
Two months before I got married, I was diagnosed with a paraganglioma (para what?!), right as Hurricane Maria was destroying the island where I grew up. It turned out that, surprise, I had an incredibly rare, benign tumor (henceforth known as Barney) that needs to be managed daily, and stands as a constant reminder to chill the eff out.
It also made me come to the conclusion that I couldn’t be alone. I couldn’t be the only person that was entirely overwhelmed by a life of doing, doing, doing—and so that’s when A Little Awareness was born.
Now, as a Certified Wayfinder Master Life Coach, I’m here to help high-achievers trade busy for beingness. I believe that play and rest and creating (and sadness and grief and knowing and not knowing) are all parts of the whole range of experiences you have been put on this earth to live. Doing is not the main one. Being is.
And when you rediscover how to be, the freedom, joy, and deep ease you’ve been craving can all follow.
Here are some beliefs I hold close in this practice.
I believe in beingness over doingness. Doingness tells us that our identity and worth are rooted in achievement. Beingness reminds us that we are enough, that we are divine, that there is no winning or losing, that fully embodying the weird complicated nuanced joyful human experience is what we’re actually here to do.
I believe that playful joy is our truest touchstone. If something doesn’t come with a promise of play and joy (and, by the way, that promise can also include struggle), then I know I am not on the right path. Play is a portal to flow, the space where we dance with active ease. And in this state, we are whole and complete no matter what we do.
I believe in the power of congruence—that when our inner truth aligns with our outer expression, harmony is what follows. You don’t have to shake off your big emotions and keep plugging along. When you choose to be present to how you feel (even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable), that’s how you create congruence. It’s the literal opposite of “fake it til you make it.” No more faking it, okay?
I believe that trust is at the heart of it all. Deep self-trust helps us see that there are no bad parts within. That we are perfect, whole and complete as we are at any given moment. That if we can learn to lean into this state, trusting our inner rhythms and boundaries and the actions that we take, our inherent wisdom gets to lead.
I believe that soul-deep curiosity and openness can offer us so, so much ease. They’re an antidote to shame and “shoulds”, an acceptance of our wholeness, and an invitation into all of the world’s possibilities we have yet to even imagine. Curiosity is a pathway to easing overwhelm and anxiety, a practice that’s both spiritual and practical.
Curious about finding your way into more ease and flow?
Together, we can practice tuning in, being present, and tethering to your SELF, no matter what’s going on in the magical and messy world out there.
When you pull back the curtain of busy, your heart has space to speak. This is both delicious and daunting and not for the faint of heart (pun fully intended). Yet, there’s also so much freedom that comes from finally slowing down and listening to the inner knowing that your mind and body are longing to share.