I am saddened about the state of the world, and particularly what I see happening regarding racism, discrimination, and social injustice in the U.S. right now. I am one of those people who believes that all actions, including inaction and silence, are an action. ...
How to Build a Resilience Mindset for Tough Times
The proverbial doo doo has hit the fan lately and I have taken some time to sit with my emotions, my family, and the mess of it all before writing about it. It seems like to be alive right now is to be living in a constant state of asking “WTF Is going on?,” and the...
How Drag Queens and Pie Baking Taught Me to Let My Intuition Guide Me
The benefits of letting go of control
Can You Manifest Luck?
How to be lucky: believe you are lucky and share it.
Zen and the Art of Puppy Maintenance
How getting a puppy taught me about slowing down and setting boundaries
How to Get Into Alignment: A Lesson From My Stubborn Little Dog
We tend to struggle with this whole “how to get into alignment” process, overthinking and second-guessing ourselves, but it’s amazing how the smallest experiences can reveal life-changing self-improvement moments.
I hate Yoga and other rants about spiritual healers
How can a yoga teacher say they hate yoga?
How to Forgive Yourself During Yoga (and in Life)
Feel like you’re overthinking and struggling with your daily tasks? Try this simple mindset shift to bring A Little Awareness to the negative thoughts that are slowing your flow and freedom.
Literally the Easiest Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Exhausted
When it comes to self-improvement, nothing works better than “a little bit” at a time.