What to say when there are no words. A few thoughts on anti-racism.

I am saddened about the state of the world, and particularly what I see happening regarding racism, discrimination, and social injustice in the U.S. right now. I am one of those people who believes that all actions, including inaction and silence, are an action. 

Before founding A Little Awareness, I spent 3 decades (I started in my teenage years) working with underserved, underrepresented communities, mainly POCs. I founded ALA (which by the way means wings in Spanish) because I believe that all humans have a right to ease. And right now my Black and Brown brothers and sisters (biological, chosen, symbolic) are hurting deeply collectively. And I wish I could wish their pain away.

But as I tell all my friends struggling with pain, to my dear Black and Brown readers, today you feel however the heck you want to feel. I want you to know that I see you and honor your pain, our pain. I hear you, I love you. I am committed to anti-racism and being an active participant in dismantling the systems that hurt us all, but particularly and disproportionately (because numbers don’t lie) Black and Brown folks in the United States and across the world.

To my white readers: The answer to what to do when there is nothing to say or when you don’t know what to do is to stop, listen (really listen no matter how uncomfortable it gets), and educate yourselves. Do not ask your Black and Brown friends to do the work for you when we are tending to our heart, to our communities. Right now, POC communities need partners in the struggle for social justice. Transforming this world into a more just and loving place benefits us all. So this week—your task is to ask yourself, “What am I doing to eradicate discrimination in my corner of the world?” And take one actual action towards it.

Social Justice resources for helping build a life of ease for all people

I firmly believe we can build a better future together. As a white-presenting Latina (side note: this is such an imperfect term that I struggle with daily and am still unpacking for myself), I also know that a small action I can take today is passing the mic to Black mentors, friends, followers from whom I learn daily:

  • “Air is sacred…George Floyd had his taken away by a police officer that was supposed to protect. Be conscious and aware of the situations that surround us as Black/Brown people. We must stand up and challenge systemic racism and injustice.” Dr. Marta Moreno Vega has been at the frontlines of the fight for social justice for decades. Here, she shares her thoughts and a short meditation.
  • “I do believe that we all have a role to play… in our society… I believe that at their bare minimum, people should get involved and be more compassionate…” Reggie Hubbard shares both words of wisdom on activism, a yoga practice and how we can transform the world amidst what is happening.
  • “Understand that Black people are NOT victims. We are SURVIVORS… We want our children to be free to dream and to be free to pursue those dreams.” Julie Holly shares a few things we NEED to understand about the Black community.
  • “We need unequivocal right now… Do not tell us I did an IG post and I’m with you. No. If it doesn’t cost you anything, it’s not enough. Do more.” Rachel Rodger’s response to tempered IG posts from the coaching community has gone viral, so you may have watched it already. If not, you need to do so right now.
  • “your beloved black body need not prove itself…your accomplishments are laudable. your humanity is beyond comparison. the perfection of you as you are is unassailable,” Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams needs no introductions. Her words are powerful and necessary right now.

Be a space for equity, freedom, ease and flow for all.

May you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering.


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Social Justice resources for helping build a life of ease for all people